Transform Your Confidence and Self-Esteem – Complete Course

Jean-Michel Raineau

À propos de ce cours

Most importantly your body language has a tremendous impact on your level of confidence, charisma and positive energy. Unfortunately, most people unintentionally put themselves in a negative, disempowered state. What they don’t realise is that they can dramatically boost their level of confidence by making very simple changes in their non verbal communication. This is what we will focus on in this course. I will show you exactly what you can do with your body language in order to feel like a winner. The amazing thing about learning confident non verbal communication is that the first results are visible instantaneously. This only propels further action and creates a positive spiral of never ending improvement.

Objectifs d'apprentissage

Explore the most powerful body language techniques for feeling & looking more confident
Discover how to get yourself into the "Winner's State"


  • Willingness to practice body language techniques presented in the videos

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  • This course is for absolute beginners and for people with some knowledge of how their cameras work but who haven't yet put all the puzzle pieces together of how aperture and shutter speed work together.


4 Modules2h


By the end of this course you will have learnt some of the most powerful body language strategies that will make you feel and look more confident, charismatic and positive. In this first video, I will tell you exactly what to do to make the most out of this course.
Introduce yourself
Why body language is so important?

Your Position and Posture

Other Tips

Vos instructeurs

Jean-Michel Raineau

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102 Courses
18 Reviews
244 Students
Webmaster de formation, Jean-Michel est passionné par l’informatique depuis son plus jeune âge. Après un BAC STI Génie Électrotechnique, il se dirige vers un BTS Informatique Industrielle où il apprend les différents langages de programmation tel que le C/C++, l’Assembleur ou le HTML. Le HTML, programme de balise, lui a tout de suite plu, grâce à ça simplicité de codage. Aussi pour parfaire ses connaissances, il effectue au CNAM de Versailles une formation d’un an en alternance, pour obtenir le certificat de compétence : « Conception, création et développement de site web » et où il apprend non seulement le HTML, mais aussi le PHP, le XML, les CSS…
En savoir plus


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4 cours
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