The Business Intelligence Analyst Course 2020

Jean-Michel Raineau

Prérequis du cours

À propos de ce cours

In this course you will learn to how to establish enterprise project management office. It will start with basic level and continue to more strategic. Our starting point is often project office, then we start using same templates and methodologies across teams and departments. This will link project management into enterprise strategy process.

You will get sample tools and templates in this course. You will get to know needed tools, frameworks and strategic decision making process. You will also learn how to put your exact project into program context and later all of the projects and programs as a part of enterprise project management office. You will learn strategic decision making in order to make strategic portfolio management.

Objectifs d'apprentissage

How management is differen
How organization need to change.
Make a winning from your existing strengths
How to work with your weaknesses, even change them to your strengths!

Material Includes

  • Videos
  • Booklets


  • Project methodology
  • Open mind
  • Willingness for learning

Public cible

  • New manager who must lead several business units
  • Project manager eager to learn new methodologies and tools


4 Modules22h 30m

What is the weakness

Draft Lesson
Draft Lesson

My project

Vos instructeurs

Jean-Michel Raineau

Formateur test

102 Courses
18 Reviews
244 Students
Webmaster de formation, Jean-Michel est passionné par l’informatique depuis son plus jeune âge. Après un BAC STI Génie Électrotechnique, il se dirige vers un BTS Informatique Industrielle où il apprend les différents langages de programmation tel que le C/C++, l’Assembleur ou le HTML. Le HTML, programme de balise, lui a tout de suite plu, grâce à ça simplicité de codage. Aussi pour parfaire ses connaissances, il effectue au CNAM de Versailles une formation d’un an en alternance, pour obtenir le certificat de compétence : « Conception, création et développement de site web » et où il apprend non seulement le HTML, mais aussi le PHP, le XML, les CSS…
En savoir plus


Tous niveaux
4 cours

Material Includes

  • Videos
  • Booklets
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