
Public Relations: Media Crisis Communications

Jean-Michel Raineau

À propos de ce cours

Public Relations during a time of crisis. Imagine that a crisis hits your organization and that you come out on top in the media. You initiate proactively to the media. You have a clear and easy to understand message. And you get the exact quotes you want in final stories.
You will learn how to prepare and deliver messages to the media in a time of a Public Relations crisis. How to plan for press conferences, media statements, messages and sound bites will be covered. Why it is essential to prepare for a crisis before you know when or what the crisis will be. Crisis communications Public Relations requires a plan that covers every aspect of message development, rehearsal and media management. This course is ideal for CEOs, PR managers, crisis managers, and anyone who is responsible for the reputation of an organization.

Objectifs d'apprentissage

Being able to Manage Crisis Communications
Know how to appear Confident on Camera
Prepare Messages
Handle tough questions


  • Video Camera (cell phone or webcam will work)

Public cible

  • This course is ideal for CEOs, PR managers, crisis managers, and anyone who is responsible for the reputation of an organization.


2h 6m

You Can Handle A Media Crisis and Come Out Ahead

Housekeeping Matters

Vos instructeurs

Jean-Michel Raineau

Formateur test

102 Courses
18 Reviews
244 Students
Webmaster de formation, Jean-Michel est passionné par l’informatique depuis son plus jeune âge. Après un BAC STI Génie Électrotechnique, il se dirige vers un BTS Informatique Industrielle où il apprend les différents langages de programmation tel que le C/C++, l’Assembleur ou le HTML. Le HTML, programme de balise, lui a tout de suite plu, grâce à ça simplicité de codage. Aussi pour parfaire ses connaissances, il effectue au CNAM de Versailles une formation d’un an en alternance, pour obtenir le certificat de compétence : « Conception, création et développement de site web » et où il apprend non seulement le HTML, mais aussi le PHP, le XML, les CSS…
En savoir plus

45.00 79.00 

43% de remise
Enrollment validity: A vie
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