
Learn Spanish: Basic Spanish Vocabulary Specialization

12.5 heures
Ce que tu apprendras
Improve your listening and Spanish comprehension skills with native Spanish through ear training and visual learning thanks to the native Spanish speaking teacher, interactive board, subtitles and included .pdf materials.
Reach your Spanish language goals now and in the future, increasing your opportunities for both personal and professional success.
By the end of the course, you will build and develop your practical communication skills in Spanish speaking, writing, reading and, of course, your fluency and grammatical accuracy.

Organizational Leadership Specialization

9.8 heures
Ce que tu apprendras
Explore how great leaders assess themselves and lead collaborative teams that effectively manage negotiations and conflict.
Discover how leaders communicate through storytelling and employ other communication strategies to influence.
Learn how organizations start with the clarity of purpose that comes from an understanding of customers’ needs, including leveraging data analytics, and use that focus to drive the design of products and services to meet those needs effectively.
Create a capstone project that allows them to apply what they have learned.
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The Creative Journey of Branding

9.8 heures
Ce que tu apprendras
Can create a value proposition for a brand
Learn how to produce meaningful and engaging content.
Develop a complete creative pitch.
Examine Branding activities through the lens of Customer Experience.

Investment Management Specialization

9.8 heures
Ce que tu apprendras
Earn the certificate of Financial specialization that you can share with prospective employers and your professional network
Gain the skills: Investment management, interest rate, stock, portfolio construction

Time Management for Professional Productivity

Leçon 1
16.8 heures
Ce que tu apprendras
Learn to plan effectively to achieve your personal and professional goals
Learn to recognize and overcome barriers to successful time management
Identify specific time management tools and use them effectively
Manage resources both effectively and efficiently
Keep your sense of perspective to prevent and manage crises
Learn to delegate effectively
Learn to manage expectations and say “No” when appropriate

Introduction to Web Development

4.5 heures
Ce que tu apprendras
Describe the structure and functionality of the world wide web, create dynamic web pages using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Apply essential programming language concepts w
Creating HTML forms, select an appropriate web hosting service
Publish your webpages for the world to see.
Be able to develop a working model for creating your own personal or business websites in the future
Fully prepared to take the next step in more advanced web development or design course or specialization.
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Mastering the selling process

6 heures
Tous niveaux
Ce que tu apprendras
Create several sales necessary tools that are essential to becoming a high-performer in sales. These tools are based around the foundation of knowledge, skill and discipline.
Each tool makes up the Sales Toolkit, which is a living document to guide you through each and every step of the sales process.

Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization

(Note: 1)
2.5 heures
Ce que tu apprendras
Helps to predict performance
Increased the retention rates
Boost in cost efficiency

Applying Data Analytics in Marketing

19.00 31.00 

Applying Data Analytics in Marketing

8.5 heures
Ce que tu apprendras
Get the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges they confront daily in their professional lives.
Identify the ideal analytic tool for their specific needs
Understand valid and reliable ways to collect, analyze, and visualize data
Utilize data in decision making for their agencies, organizations or clients.

Survey analysis to Gain Marketing Insights

18.8 heures
Tous niveaux
Ce que tu apprendras
From one-off customer satisfaction surveys to brand tracking surveys that are administering on a continuous basis, they provide the information that marketers need to understand how their products, services and brands are seen by consumers.
In Analytic Methods for Survey Data, statistical learners will become familiar with established methods for converting survey responses to insights that can support marketing decisions.
Techniques discussed include factor analytics, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and multi-dimensional scaling.
En vedette

Fundamentals of Music Theory

17.5 heures
Ce que tu apprendras
Reading musical notes
Constructing scales and chords
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