Cours guitare Rythmique

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Nous avons trouvé 2 cours disponible pour vous

Successful Negotiation: Master Your Negotiating Skills

(2 évaluations)
2.3 heures
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Ce que tu apprendras
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing

Time Management Mastery: Do More, Stress Less

3.5 heures
Tous niveaux
Ce que tu apprendras
Use your single trusted system to collect and manage your tasks
Prioritize effectively to make sure you're working on the right things, at the right time
Plan your daily, weekly, and long-term work & goals to save time and reduce stress
Use single-tasking, time blocking, documentation and breaks to more effectively focus on the job
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